Ozone Theraphy
Ozone therapy is a form of alternative medicine treatment that purports to increase the amount of oxygen in the body through the introduction of ozone. Various techniques have been suggested, with purported benefits including the treatment of cancer, AIDS, and multiple sclerosis, among others.
Saline Ozone
Dysautonomia is the kind of illness that can present different symptoms in different patients. When the autonomic nervous system misfires and dysfunctions, it can leave a patient with a host of perplexing symptoms that affect nearly every major organ system in the body. From heart-pounding Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia to painful gastroparesis and disorienting migraines—this is an illness that is difficult to diagnose, and even more difficult to treat. I have become adept at recognizing the underlying connections and searching for therapies that alleviate the symptoms without producing new complications to deal with.
One of the treatments I prescribe for my patients with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is Intravenous Saline Therapy. Dysautonomia (POTS in particular) is treated with a variety of symptom-based prescriptions including cardiac rehab, dietary changes, vitamins and supplements therapies. Intravenous saline therapy can begin to calm many symptoms of and provide quick relief to a suffering patient with little or no appreciable side effects.
Blood Ozone
Once the blood is cleansed the red corpuscles have a lot more room for oxygen molecules, the oxygen saturation of the molecules is high, and health and energy are boosted considerably. Instead of burdening the liver and immune system with more elaborate toxic substances, ozone simply oxidizes the molecules in the shell of the virus. As the ozone molecules dissolve into the blood they give up their third oxygen atom, releasing considerable energy which destroys all lipid-envelope virus, and apparently all other disease organisms as well, while leaving blood cells unharmed.
Rectal Ozone
Ozone applied rectally is a therapy whose effects are similar to major autohemotherapy. With major autohemotherapy ozone is added to blood outside the Body, and then reinfused into the Body. It is the safest way to introduce ozone to the Body.
Similar to water, food or anal suppositories, the ozone molecules are absorbed by the intestinal membranes into the bloodstream and go straight to the liver. Before continuing on to the rest of the Body, the ozone first repairs the liver’s cells, which allows all blood cells that pass through the liver to come in contact with ozone. During this contact, cells’ antioxidant capacity rapidly increases, toxins are removed and cells’ vitality is improved. If there is hepatitis in the liver, inflammation is reduced, and related to this, enzymes return to normal and the burden from the virus is noticeably reduced.
Ozone Bath
Ozone bath is great for the skin! Ozone is excellent in its cleaning capabilities. Connect your ozone machine to a fine hole bubble stone. The ozone bath will penetrate through the water and sanitize faster. Ozone purifies the water from bacteria and viruses. Your skin will feel more alive, clean and soft. The ozone bath will make your skin feel tighter and smoother and free of impurities from a traditional bath.
Ozone Steam
Ozone and steam therapy can be a powerful combination. Steam opens the pores and sweat glands, allowing more ozone to enter the body. As the ozone breaks down and the singlet oxygen atom attaches to and kills pollutants, the open pores and sweat allow for better elimination of toxins.
With a steam sauna, you can surround your entire body below the neck with ozone. You don’t want to cover your head for two reasons: a cool head can allow you to spend more time in the sauna and ozone can be irritating to the lungs if breathed at the concentration used for steam therapy.